Magic Potion Recipes: Weight Loss Part 2

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

If you missed the first part, please read Magic Potion Recipes: Weight Loss Part 1

How to use:

The lotion should be applied in a very thin layer over the stomach, thighs and upper arms every night just before a shower. While applying the lotion the user should close their eyes and imagine their body as it is now and then imagine the body being thinner and healthier. Rub the lotion in with massaging strokes as if you were trying to distribute the fat to other portions of the body.

A single spot of lotion should be applied to the top of the chest, around the throat hollow, before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The final weight loss magic potion recipes I want to share are for bath salts. This is effective, when used with the liquid potion above, for people who are exceptionally overweight. It may be used for someone who is only mildly overweight if they want faster results as well.

Step 1: Mix together a bath salt.

Step 2: Add 1/4 ounce mint or spearmint essential oil to the bath salt. As you can see mint scent is very important for all of these magic potion recipes. The smell is believed to be linked to appetite suppressant so it is one of the easiest scents to emphasize this ability in.

Step 3: Cast a spell on the bath salts to encourage weight loss. Add food coloring during the casting. It should be colored a medium blue.

Step 4: Add extra water to make the bath salt a scrub instead; this can be useful for people who do not have access to a bathtub.

How to use:

I recommend walking for at least 20 minutes before using this magic potion recipe. It can be a really leisurely walk, a jog, a run or even a full exercise routine, but I believe that any amount of activity takes your mind off the daily grind and therefore opens you to the Universe’s power more completely.

Every morning you should use 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of bath salt in a bath, or the same amount as a body scrub.

After soaking for at least 10 minutes, stand and use a shower to rinse yourself off. While rinsing rub your hands around your body with particular attention to the main areas you want to lose weight at.



Though spells may be offered to help you optimize your life or even heal injuries or lose weight, this site is not meant to treat or diagnose any illnesses. Nothing stated within this site is approved by the FDA unless otherwise stated.