Free Pagan Supplies

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I have finally put together a kit, as I mentioned a few months ago. I had intended to do this sooner, but life kept getting in the way - okay, honestly, lazy kept getting in the way. So finally, I present to you, free pagan supplies! Everything is hand-made by me and completely safe for use. The kit includes a bamboo pendulum, mint bath salts (homemade) for weight loss, lily of the valley bath salts (homemade), my own special, earthen mixture and much more. Take advantage of this; I will probably never give away another kit quite this big.

Depending on demand I may give away other items though and different sized kits.

Interested in other free pagan supplies? Try these on for size.

Faerie tarot cards.

5 pentagram charms which can be used in making jewelry or various charms for your magic casting.

Lover's Embrace potion from Leigh's Wiccan Boutique. This is good for love magic and adding a little spice to your existing love life. Remember, always practice love spells safely!

1/2 oz - 1 oz (she doesn't weigh product) of dried jasmine.

1/2 oz - 1 oz (she doesn't weigh) of dried hops.

A pack of 12 gems good for Reiki or other energy absorption. Fair warning: I'm trying to get these and I have a ton of credits. Or maybe I'm just trying to psych you out so I can win them easier. These beautiful stones are also from Leigh's Wiccan Boutique and if you miss out on the auction you can buy them from her Etsy store for $2.50 for the set of 6.

Edit: This is a very old post and this particular kit is long gone. Please do not send me addresses in the comment section; you shouldn't be posting those things online in public anyway. I keep removing them to try and protect your anonymity.

If you are still looking for more free kits or Wiccan supplies, look around the site I've linked above. There are many stores offering free supplies there.


Unknown said...

i would love it if i could get a kit like that.


Though spells may be offered to help you optimize your life or even heal injuries or lose weight, this site is not meant to treat or diagnose any illnesses. Nothing stated within this site is approved by the FDA unless otherwise stated.